Thursday, December 19, 2013

Shadows and Substance

This morning I was blessed to spend some much needed time in the Word. You see, I haven't been super consistent when it comes to spending time with Jesus which is just not okay because He should be my everything. Anyways, this morning I spent that much needed time with Him and I thought I would share what He showed me.

I read in Jude, and to be honest it was because I didn't have a place where I was really reading in (due to the lack of consistency) but when I asked The Lord this morning to show me what He wants me to hear He was definitely faithful to do it!! 

The first part of Jude talks about being on guard for people who are in the church that are not teaching the truth. Then the last part is a charge for people in the church who are striving after The Lord. 

Verses 20 and 21 are as follows: 
"But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life." 

These sweet, encouraging verses are extremely convicting to me this morning. It's Christmas time and we are so anxious to receive gifts or even anxious to see family we do not normally get to spend an extended amount of time with, but how often are we so anxious for the great merciful gift that Jesus Christ would let us experience eternal life?? How many times do I even THINK about this gift, much less am ANXIOUS for it? Ridiculous. We all know the whole point of Christmas is not gifts, but sometimes we may think it is all about love and getting to spend time with family. This is not the point! The point is CHRIST! He came down to earth that we might be saved to live forever with Him, worshipping Him with extreme joy. I just don't know how often I am anxious for this to happen. I get so caught up in even the good things in life like spending time with family or loved ones. 

The point is Christ. The point is that we need to be anxiously awaiting His return. The point is He is the only way we can ever have hope for salvation. The point is He is worthy to be praise and glorified. I pray we will all remember this as the Christmas season is in full force. Do not confuse the shadow for the substance.