Monday, May 9, 2011


This year has been so amazing! I cannot believe I have completed my first year of college. It's weird...But God has been so faithful throughout everything. He showed me that HE alone is my Provider and that I cannot rely on anyone else but Him. At the beginning of the year, I was so worried that I would not have enough scholarship money to pay for all my schooling and I was freaking out because I did not know how I was going to get the money to pay for the rest that was not paid for. (I really did not want to take out a loan.) But when the first week of school rolled around, I found out from the office of financial aid that I had all of it paid for in scholarships- I even had extra from the scholarships that I got back in cash! As you can imagine, I was in shock! Things like that kept me not only leaning hard on God and trusting that everything was going to work out, but also showed me how GOOD He is! 

The year has brought on a number of other great things- like amazing friends. God has truly been faithful to me in the friendship area. I was blessed to know quite a few people going into school from either SWCS or HBC (Ashley, Emily, Daniel, Macall, Heather, and Catherine). I have also made some pretty wonderful friends who I did not know before. I met an awesome girl through classes, Kenzie. She is so sweet and I'm so glad to have met her! I was so fortunate to have a really great roommate, Catherine. I knew her before, but it was so great to get to spend a year rooming with her! I also met two really awesome ladies, Shelby and Sharay. I met Sharay at through a ministry called Navigators on campus and Shelby was Sharay's roommate. They are so funny and I love being around them because I can just be myself- no facades. :) It's just great to look back and see all the blessings God has given me- He is so faithful! 

This year has been difficult, however, in many aspects. As probably many of you know, I am deeply involved in my home church, Heritage Baptist. I have grown in the Lord so incredibly much there and the people are like family. I was like a home-sick child at a slumber party. It was extremely difficult going to Stillwater, in fact I though about transferring after the first semester to UCO to be closer to HBC. I did not want to be there at all, but I knew God wanted me in Stillwater. I had visited many churches at the beginning of the year, but none that I felt like I fit. A lot of that was due to the fact I was critically comparing them to HBC in many ways and I was still heavily involved. Finally, at the end of the year, I decided that I had to just start going to a church and I began praying that God would show me what church I could plug in to. I visited Sunnybrook church at the beginning of the year and liked it, but was too critical to see that God was calling me there. I let my own bias ruin a lot time that I could have spent growing in the Lord and encouraging others in their walks as well. I decided at the end of the year to visit once more and just give it another chance. I don't know what it was (actually, yes I do- it was God), but when I visited I felt strongly that I need to be at Sunnybrook. So even though I did not get to plug in deeply there yet, at least I know where I will be going next school year. :)

There are many other things that God has been showing me this year, but I feel like it would take all day to type out. :) I'm so glad it is summer and I cannot wait to see what He will be doing in and through me. 

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